Friday, 28 September 2012

5 Reasons Apple Broke Up With Google And Built Its Own App

Recent reports claim that Apple ended its iOS mobile maps contract with Google a year early. But the result, Apple's home-

brewed Maps app, has left many users wishing the two companies had stayed on good terms.

Sure, Maps comes with new features that weren't available on the Google-made version for iOS, such as spoken navigation

directions and 3D views of cities. But Apple's new Maps app has become infamous for its quirks (misnaming citie
s and

countries, moving famous landmarks, distorting landmasses and manmade structures in 3D mode) and its lack of integrated

public transit directions.

Some have called Maps "appalling" and a "huge step backward;" others have been less harsh and have labeled the app "a

decent effort for a first pass."

Why would Apple do something like this? To answer this question, we've combed the wisdom of some of the web's top Apple

watchers. Flip though our gallery (below) to view opinions from the New York Times, AllThingsD, Daring Fireball, Slate and

The Verge. Then, read on to view our gallery of the worst fails spotted in Apple's Maps app.

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